The Medal of Honor franchise has received a somewhat unexpected resurrection over the last 12 months, and the release of its upcoming October reboot is preceded by an online multiplayer trial, accessible to those that order in advance. Those that also own stablemate Bad Company 2 get a couple of days extra, hence the presence of the two titles at the top of Steam's weekly top sellers chart for the week ending Sunday, June 20.
Mass Effect 1 and 2, Fallout 3, Dead Space, Burnout Paradise and Crysis were other Electronic Arts games to experience discounts over the past week.
APB, like Medal of Honor, is present by merit of pre-release sales. Also in common with Medal of Honor was an early access carrot dangled before shoppers, in this case entitling them to 8 days of play prior to June 20.
The game is made by the team behind Xbox 360 hit Crackdown, multi-platform sensation Grand Theft Auto, and the classic Lemmings. Players choose whether to be a criminal or law enforcer - it's cops and robbers on a grand scale.
01) Battlefield: Bad Company 2
02) Medal of Honor
03) Mass Effect 2
04) APB: All Points Bulletin
05) Crysis - Maximum Edition
06) Team Fortress 2
07) Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
08) Dead Space
09) Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
10) Mass Effect
Chart positions reflect total revenue gained by the Steam Network.
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