Seven weird and wonderful Student Union societies

Looking to join a society at your university, but are bored with the same old clubs? Everyone knows about sports, theatre and music, but why not try something a bit different? Here are seven weird and wonderful societies from across the UK that you should keep an eye out for.
The Humus Society
A surprisingly popular society across various universities, the Humus Society is exactly what it says on the tin: people get together to eat all different kinds of humus and… well, that’s about it. A successful example of this is The Humus Society at the University of Sussex where they meet weekly to talk all things humus related.
The Quidditch Society
One you might have heard of before is the immensely entertaining Quidditch Society. Alas, a lack of magic makes the whole flying part a bit tricky, but that doesn’t stop students from playing the sport. Running around with brooms between their legs, people have to catch the golden snitch (normally someone dressed in a yellow morph suit) around a field whilst avoiding bludgeons. Particularly active groups can be found at UEA, University of Leeds and Aberystwyth University.
The 20 Minute Society
Currently the largest society at Newcastle University, with around 500 members, the 20 Minute Society is one of the most innovative clubs you’ll have heard of. The concept is that members are unaware of what activity is lined up for them until they get to the meeting point. A text is then sent 20 minutes beforehand telling the members where to meet up. The events have ranged from live comedy, to ice skating, to clubbing and bowling.
The Fetish Society
A society that you might feel uncomfortable telling your parents about is the Fetish Society, or sometimes known under the guise of the Sexual Liberation Society. As stated in the University of Birmingham’s official guide, “The idea behind the society is to provide a safe, no-pressure environment in which members may express their fetishes, be around like minded people, to provide education on fetish and BDSM practices, and most importantly to ensure and promote safety.” Found at UEA, Kent and Birmingham, people that have been to the regular meetings describe them as fun and relaxed, and a great place for people interested in exploring their sexuality.
The Nicholas Cage Appreciation Society
Found only at the University of Sussex, this society aims to bring people together through a mutual love, or relentless hate, of Nicholas Cage. No seriously, it does. According to their website, they “believe in complete inclusive, but constitutional, democracy with a symbolic head of state who is Nicholas Cage (serving as our symbolic president).”
The SackSoc
Want to get fit but have absolutely no sporting ability? Found at the University of Liverpool, this society harks back to one of your favourite childhood sports: sack racing. A great way to exercise with none of the hassle and training of other ‘sports’ clubs!
The Humans vs Zombies
Known under a multitude of different names, many universities have some sort of zombie themed society. The University of Kent’s Zombie Apocalypse Society describe their club as being “for anyone who has even a passing interest in zombies!” Whether, it’s watching films, playing games or preparing for an imminent apocalypse, these various zombie societies will cover it. Events called "Humans vs Zombies" take place at many society meetings, particularly prevalent at the University of Birmingham, where people run around shooting nerf guns at each other trying to gain points for prizes.
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