Five Netflix sensations that will make you want to change your degree


Leonie Ann Garlick
Tuesday 03 March 2015 14:18 GMT

We’ve all been mesmerised by characters excelling in cracking job roles. And how about those ones who start off as mere minions, only to end up flying high at the top? It can often make you want to change your life to be like them... but for now, a duvet and a passcode is all you need.

Suits: Harvey Specter, lawyer

Graduating from Harvard is every lawyer’s dream - and that of every student glued to Suits. Life always seems fair when you’ve got a swanky office and a $5,000 suit, right? And if you’re in trouble, you know you can always argue your way out with undiluted brain power and gallons of black coffee. Sorted. Feel the waves of empowerment every time a code is cracked - that could be YOU! If only you took a degree in law…

Degree needed: law

Dexter: Dexter Morgan, blood spatter analyst

Aside from being a serial killer, Dexter Morgan has a pretty cool job at Miami Metro. Team Lab Geek won our hearts (and goals) after the first episode Clingfilm and blood stained boats are not desirable, but how about a mint house, cute son and a kick-ass little sister? Ice Truck Killer ain’t got nothing on our skills…

Degree needed: forensics, crime scene or criminal biology

Scrubs: JD, doctor

We get it - med school is nothing like it is in loveable reruns of Scrubs. It’s a parallel universe. But that doesn’t stop us pining for an idealistic doctor life like John “JD” Dorian: hijinks, job satisfaction and superiors who will keep your dark, dirty secrets. Despite the blood, funk and bodily fluids, you’re still on your way to helping a ton of people - whilst having a ball with your frat mates along the way.

Degree needed: medicine

Ugly Betty: Betty Suarez, editorial assistant

Nothing will give you more career inspo than a kind-hearted goofball breaking into the kitty-claws fashion industry. From Queens to Manhattan in one accidental swoop, Betty is proof that persistence is key to getting what you want, no matter how many skinny Modes you have to bat out your way first. The glitzy world of publishing has room for Betty, so it has room for you, right? Just remember, you are an “attractive, confident, intelligent businesswoman” and you will rock that mock book.

Degree needed: journalism, publishing

Black Mirror: Charlie Brooker, media hero

Media is often palmed off as a “Mickey Mouse” degree, but there’s nothing comical about broadcaster Charlie Brooker’s revelations in cyber communications. Unlike the rest on our list, Brooker is a real-life Netflix hero - which lets out hope that this could be US! Fast-forward a few years and, you hope, we might all have physical friend blocking”in full swing.

Degree needed: media studies, film production or multimedia journalism

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