SQA results 2015: Scottish students urged 'not to panic' as Skills Development Scotland launches its exam results helpline

More than 147,000 pupils are anxiously awaiting the results of almost 137,000 exams tomorrow

Aftab Ali
Monday 03 August 2015 11:20 BST
A record 64,300 students found university places through Clearing last year. The system has transformed into a ‘respected and important’ route to university, says Ucas
A record 64,300 students found university places through Clearing last year. The system has transformed into a ‘respected and important’ route to university, says Ucas (Matt Cardy/Getty)

The big wait is almost over for thousands of pupils from across Scotland as they anxiously wait for their exam results to arrive tomorrow.

Figures show how more than 147,000 pupils from across the country look set to have a sleepless night as they anxiously await to find out how they performed in their Higher and National 4 and 5 qualifications.

11,844 of these S4 to S6 students are in Glasgow alone, waiting for the results of 136,825 examinations.

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) – which supports the people and businesses of Scotland to develop and apply their skills – is urging students not to panic and to explore as many options as they can.

The organisation has a helpline on standby which will offer advice, information, and support for young people and their parents, whether their results are not what they had hoped or better than expected.

SDS operations director, Danny Logue, described how results day can be a difficult time for some people and said: “Our advice is not to panic because there are lots of options they can consider.

“They can find out more by calling our helpline advisers. Getting information about the choices that are available can make decisions about their next steps much clearer.”

Now in its 23rd year, the helpline will be open from 8am until 8pm on 4 and 5 August and from 9am until 5pm daily until 12 August. The number to call is 0808 100 8000.

Last year, SDS said it received a staggering 1,200 calls during the first two days of operation, but 97 per cent of callers to the helpline said they would recommend the service.

SDS advisers will be on hand to offer callers unique access to information on UCAS course vacancies at college and universities across the UK, Confirmation and Clearing, advice about Modern Apprenticeships, employment, and training opportunities.

There is also post-results information for pupils and parents on SDS’s My World of Work web service. Students can also access help, advice and support via SDS’s Facebook page which has practical help and links to UCAS, SAAS, Young Scot, and the SQA.

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