ICG Through The Ages
ICG provides an historic look back for new members who may not know the rich history of the Institute
At the 1992 Career Guidance conference in Lancaster, a document was distributed entitled Through the Ages: Career Guidance and the Institute.
This document listed each ICG president, conference venue and the key developments that had taken place within the Institute and the wider careers world from 1917. It was very well received by members and conference delegates.
In 2005, a revised and updated version of the document was produced and I would urge all ICG members to e-mail Simon Ashby at simon@icg-uk.org to obtain a copy. The publication will give members a great insight into the roots of the Institute and an historical perspective on how the careers world has developed.
Within this article in CGT we have listed each president and just a few of the significant developments, but for a more comprehensive look e-mail ICG for a copy today.
F Wells Bell becomes president of the Association of Juvenile Employment, and Welfare Officers (England and Wales) now had a full Constitution. Meetings were held at least twice a year with an annual meeting in London and the first annual subscription was 10 shillings.
1935 and 1936
Wale Smith proposed the Diploma in Vocational Guidance, pioneered the use of films as an aid to guidance and originated the presidential insignia. During his presidency the autumn conference changed to become a Weekend School - in 1935 at Liverpool University and in 1936 at Leeds University.
No conference took place but regional branches were formed and visited by the President.
Diploma in Vocational Guidance established with Percival Smith as its honorary registrar who reported to Margate's conference on the first examination that had been held with 20 candidates.
While Glasgow and Edinburgh YEOs had long been in membership by now, it was Edgar Jenks who in recent years attracted more widespread involvement of Scottish YEOs and took conference to Scotland for the first time.
The Employment and Training Act placed a mandatory statutory requirement upon all Local Education Authorities to provide a careers service.
Education (Scotland) Act 1980 required education authorities to provide a careers service in accordance with guidance provided by the Secretary of State for Scotland.
Decision taken to rename Institute of Careers Officers as Institute of Careers Guidance.
The 1997 Education Act placed a statutory duty upon all publicly funded schools to have a policy for careers education in years 9-11.
1923 F Wells Bell
1928 George Packwood Clarke
1929 and 1930 Ben Williams MBE
1931 Jabez Henry Capes
1932 Miss M Stuart Miller, MBE
1933/34 George Fawcett, MBE
1935/36 Joseph Wale Smith, MBE.
1937 Miss Eirene Wanstall, MBE
1938 Geoffrey Greenwell, MBE
1939-42 Percival Smith
1943/1944 George Lord
1945/46 Frank Taylor
1946/47 Ida Groves, MBE
1947/48 William Duncan, MBE
1948/49 William Duncan, MBE
1949/50 Lettice Lowe, MBE
1950/51 Edgar Brett
1951/52 Winifred Everden
1952/53 Clifford Hawkes
1953/54 Fred Davison
1954/55 Fred Hubert, MBE
1955/56 Brenda Calderwood, MBE
1956/57 Victor Bray
1957/58 Bryn Dyer, MBE
1958/59 Nancy Robinson
1959/60 Edgar Jenks
1960/61 Herbert Heginbotham, MBE
1961/62 Edgar Jenks
1962/63 Bryn Dyer, MBE
1963/64 Kathleen Lloyd
1964/65 Catherine Avent, OBE
1965/66 Leslie Coglan
1966/67 John Evernden, MBE
1967/68 Tom Black, MBE
1968/69 Paul Gillett
1969/70 Robert Blofeld, MBE
1970/71 Roni Hall, MBE
1971/72 Alfred Boughton, MBE
1972/73 John Hooley
1973/74 Victor Ahier
1974/75 Percy Walton, MBE
1975/76 Peter Gooderson, MBE
1976/77 Mary Greaves
1977/78 Frank Robinson, MBE
1978/79 David Peck
1979/80 Dermot Dick
1980/81 Kevin Devine
1981/82 Pat White
1982/83 Tom Coates, MBE
1983/84 Don Hayde
1984/85 Jeff Reynalds
1985/86 Mike Eastwood
1987/88 John Kelly
1988/89 Terry Collins
1989/90 Avril Rimmer
1990/91 Colin Thompson
1991/92 Paul Chubb
1992/93 Paul Barnes
1993/94 Rob Stokes
1994/95 Mike Clark
1995/96 Allister McGowan
1996/97 Rebecca Tee
1997/98 Stevie Martin
1998/99 Monica I Lemecha
2000/02 Malcolm Barron
2002/03 John Downing
2003/04 Chris Evans
2004/05 Liam Duffy
2005/06 M Rachel Mulvey
2006/07 Kieran Gordon
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