Sport: What the papers said about . . . Tottenham

Saturday 18 June 1994 23:02 BST

'Alan Sugar last night felt like the man who has avoided the death penalty only to be given life imprisonment.' Independent

'It may not be long next season before Tottenham begin to wonder if the drop might have been preferable to the rack. Certainly, in punishing Spurs for a financially anarchic recent past the Football Association has shown a sadistic ingenuity worthy of Torquemada.' Guardian

'They had to be harsh, no doubt about that, but now it is a slow, lingering death - wringing the neck of the cockerel and letting it slowly die.' Mirror

'The chickens of Lancaster Gate have rediscovered their heads, their hearts and their jurisdiction . . . The cry will be that they have discriminated against a proud club that on the field stood for a passing game that one would not wish to see lost to the Premiership. However, those wishes cannot be put before the necessity in football to ensure the equality of justice meted out to the rich and powerful just as much as the downtrodden.' Times

'Sugar has to lump it.' Star

'It is relegation by proxy. The ultimate sanction has simply been deferred.' Mail

'How much of this would have come to light had Sugar and Venables not indulged in their sorry squabble? Today, along with the globe-trotting Scholar, they have an awful lot to answer for.' Express

'Spurs are not the only ones. There will be some very worried men in the world of football this morning.' Sun

'Tottenham Dropspur.' Mirror

'Ven-detta. Terry is behind FA crackdown - Sugar.' Today

'It started with a bung, but it will not end with a whimper.' Guardian

'Quo to rescue Spurs.' Sun

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