RUGBY UNION: Questionnaire reveals clubs agree with RFU

Monday 19 February 1996 00:02 GMT

Rugby Union

England's clubs and the sport's governing body are committed to the new era of open rugby despite fears of a total split after the break-up of the Special General Meeting last month.

The Rugby Football Union came under fire at a stormy gathering in Birmingham from the clubs, who refused to discuss the RFU's commissioned report on the way forward after the International Rugby Football Board declared rugby an open game in August.

The RFU responded by issuing a questionnaire to all clubs and have found there is overwhelming agreement for most of the suggestions arising from the transformation of the game into a professional sport.

More than 90 per cent of clubs accept the IRFB decision to go open, the RFU's "seamless" principle and the open gangway for rugby league players.

More than 80 per cent agree with separate RFU and club contracts for players, the abolition of the divisional championship, the introduction of a code of conduct, payment for referees and a national disciplinary panel.

The RFU secretary, Tony Hallett, said: "We can identify whether the clubs are juniors or professional in character and there is no section withholding approval of anything important.

"This gives us the confidence to believe that we can have broad agreement when we re-stage the SGM next month."

Saracens are set to announce another major transfer, following their capture of the world record points scorer Michael Lynagh.

The north London club have had talks with the French centre, Philippe Sella and others linked with the club are the France forward, Abdul Benazzi, and Bryan Redpath, the Scottish scrum-half.

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