Racing: Club and bookies differ on review priorities
RACING ORANISATIONS yesterday welcomed Home Secretary Jack Straw's decision to order a review of gambling laws. Warwick Bartlett, chairman of the British Betting Offices' Association, gave the most positive reaction from the bookmaking fraternity.
Bartlett said: "The last time this happened was the Royal Commission, I think in 1978-79. This review will take a different form. Lord Rothschild, Marjorie Proops and David Coleman were in the Royal Commission, but this will be more academic-based and the end result should be quite encouraging.
``If the law allowed us to innovate we could introduce other products, perhaps sell racing holidays and incorporate a cafe and a kitchen to serve hot food - at present we can only serve cold food,'' Bartlett added.
The Jockey Club praised the decision to set up the Review Body, which may take up to two years to complete its work. The Club's senior steward, Christopher Spence, said: "For some time we have expressed our concern about the threats to racing arising from the lack of regulation of betting.
``The future commercial success of British horseracing is dependent on there being continued belief in the integrity of the sport. It is encouraging that the Government is ready to introduce legislation that reflects the modern world of gambling."
Tristram Ricketts, the British Horseracing Board chief executive, commented: "Much of Britain's gambling legislation is out of date, and the Government is right to recognise that social attitudes have changed and that the law is rapidly being overtaken by technological developments.
"Extending off-course betting to customers in pubs and clubs - thereby challenging the betting industry's current off-course monopoly - is one of the key issues we shall be looking to the Review Body to explore.''
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