Olympic Games: Sydney IOC favourite
MANCHESTER has moved into second place behind Sydney in the race to host the Olympic Games in 2000, according to a leaked report by International Olympic Committee members.
Peking, seen as a front-runner with Sydney to win the right to host the Games when the IOC votes in September, appears to be trailing both Berlin and Manchester. The contents of the 66- page report, designed to assist the 91 IOC members, was leaked to the German news agency, DPA, yesterday.
According to DPA, the report, due to be published on 16 July, said: 'The (Sydney) bid offers conditions . . . that exceed what the IOC requires. The concept of the (Sydney) Games place the athletes in the centre.'
The report said Manchester had put together an impressive bid. But it cited as a drawback a possible shortage of housing for athletes and the fact that most facilities had still to be built.
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