Robert Kubica returns to F1 with Williams for 2019 eight years after life-changing rally crash

The 33-year-old will join George Russell at Williams next season in what will be his first full-time F1 drive since nearly losing his arm in February 2011

Jack de Menezes
Thursday 22 November 2018 10:02 GMT
Ribert Kubica will drive for Williams in 2019
Ribert Kubica will drive for Williams in 2019 (Getty)

Robert Kubica will return to Formula One in 2019 after agreeing a deal with Williams, eight years after his life-changing rallying crash wrecked one of the most promising careers in the sport.

The Polish driver will join young British prospect George Russell in an all-new driver line-up next season after being confirmed by the Grove-based outfit in what will be one of the most incredible returns in F1 history.

Kubica was one of the sport’s rising stars after impressing from his debut in 2006, but his career was abruptly halted in February 2011 when he crashed while competing in the Ronde di Andora rally in northern Italy, which resulted in significant damage to his right arm that included a partial amputation of his forearm, plus compound fractures to his right elbow, shoulder and leg. Only a lengthy surgical procedure saved him from having his arm amputated.

But after rebuilding his motorsport career, firstly through rallying and then as Williams test driver last season, Kubica will return to the grid for 2019.

Kubica suffered career-altering injuries in a 2011 rally crash in Italy
Kubica suffered career-altering injuries in a 2011 rally crash in Italy (Getty)

Kubica, who will turn 34 years old by the time the new season gets underway, was unveiled on Thursday morning ahead of the 2018 season-ending Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. He said: “Firstly, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me during what was a difficult period of my life over these last few years.

”It has been a challenging journey to make it back to the Formula One grid, but what seemed almost impossible is now beginning to feel possible, as I am excited to be able to say that I will be on the Formula One grid in 2019.

“For sure, it has been a long road to get to this point, but as that challenge now comes to an end with this announcement, a new challenge begins working with Williams on track.

”It will not be easy, but, with hard work and dedication, both George and myself will work together to try and help the team get in better shape to move further up the grid. This year has been tough, but I have learnt a lot, and I'd like to thank (team principal) Sir Frank (Williams) and (deputy team principal) Claire (Williams) for this opportunity.

Kubica returns to the grid with Williams to continue his comeback from injury
Kubica returns to the grid with Williams to continue his comeback from injury (Getty)

“Being back on the F1 grid next season will be one of the greatest achievements of my life, and I'm sure with hard work and commitment we will be able to help motivate the team to achieve good things together. Thank you again to everyone who has supported me and believed in me.

”I will finally be back on the grid behind the wheel of an F1 car, and I cannot wait to get back racing.“

Claire Williams paid tribute to Kubica's strength of character
Claire Williams paid tribute to Kubica's strength of character (Getty)

Claire Williams added: ”I am delighted to announce that Robert will be stepping up to the role of race driver to partner George in 2019. All of us at Williams have been immensely impressed at what he has achieved and it is a great credit to his strength of character and tenacity to return to Formula One.

“During this season his commitment to the team and the work he has put in behind the scenes has been unwavering and he has become an established and much respected member of the Williams team.

”He has a level of determination that is remarkable to see and he truly embodies the Williams fighting spirit.

“Having the consistency of Robert stepping up into this new role will be an important step for us as we look to fight our way back towards the front of the field. I am also excited to have a mixture of youth and experience to lead us into 2019 and we look forward to seeing what they can achieve on track.”

Kubica steps up from his role as test and reserve driver to join their 2019 line-up
Kubica steps up from his role as test and reserve driver to join their 2019 line-up (Getty)

The appointment of Kubica, who will drive alongside Formula Two championship-favourite Russell next season, means it is all-change for Williams. Lance Stroll has already been confirmed by Force India following his father’s successful takeover earlier this season, while Russian Sergey Sirotkin is out of a drive after just one year in F1.

Of course, his fairy tale return to F1 cannot make up for the time that his accident took away from him - as well as the chances that it cost him. Kubica has since revealed that he had signed a contract with Ferrari to partner Fernando Alonso in 2012, having cut his teeth with BMW Sauber from 2006 to 2009 and Renault in 2010. His eventual return to the cockpit came last year in a test with Renault, while he also tested in Abu Dhabi at the end of 207 with Williams before they made the decision to go with Sirotkin and offer Kubica the role of test and reserve driver.

It’s been reported that Kubica was offered the chance to join Ferrari for next year as their simulation driver, but the chance to return to the grid in a full capacity was one that he could not turn down.

Part of Kubica’s return is also the cash-injection that his backers will bring to the struggling British team, with one Polish oil company by the name of PKN Orlen expected to invest heavily in the team in return for their branding to appear on next season’s car.

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