`I was going to score four tries'

Robert Low at Twickenham sees a real rugby man get the sympathy vote

Robert Low
Sunday 17 March 1996 00:02 GMT

THE SCENE had been set for a week, the actors primed. Captain Carling would depart the stage in a carefully orchestrated blaze of glory. The team he was leading for the 59th and last time allowed him to emerge from the tunnel on his own to a huge and touching ovation from the Twickenham crowd. Whatever his deficiencies, Will Carling has always been a real rugby man whose qualities are fully appreciated by the public. His response was a shy wave.

One sensed a deep well of sympathy for a man who in the past year has often appeared totally out of his depth away from the field, blundering from personal disaster to disaster. Sometimes it has seemed that he is only really at peace within the confines of the pitch. All these events were put into proper perspective by a minute's silence for the victims of Dunblane.

Perhaps all the hype about Carling's farewell served the Irish players better than the English, certainly while he was on the field. What better motivation could there be than to topple the archetypal Englishman from his perch on his big day?

When the end came for Carling, it was a clump of green turf rather than a green jersey which felled him. In the 33rd minute, he suddenly pulled up lame and keeled over, with an ankle injury that brought an end to his season. When England's most successful captain finally left the field, his vehicle was no chariot but a stretcher, and no amount of sympathetic applause could compensate him for the anti- climactic nature of his departure.

But there was a final twist when, without the skipper, England scored 19 points without reply and to everyone's surprise emerged with the title.

At the end, the track-suited Carling limped up the steps to receive the Millennium Trophy. It is a particularly hideous piece of silverware in the shape of a Viking helmet. Perhaps they should now dispatch him out to sea in a blazing longboat.

At the post-match press conference, Carling propped his damaged ankle on a chair and reflected on how he had hoped to go out: "I was going to score four tries. Getting stretchered off again wasn't part of the scenario. But things never quite work out how you think they will.

"But it was a brilliant way to finish. I didn't think winning the Triple Crown and the Championship was a viable option before the game. Going out on my own was amazing. I didn't expect it. I thought we would all go on the pitch together. Twickenham has been a great place for me, I love playing here. I just hope that in eight years England have given the fans something to cheer."

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