Happy Anniversary: Mother of all holidays

William Hartston
Monday 10 May 1993 00:02 BST

Here are some dates to celebrate in the coming week, historically an exceptionally good period for Siamese coincidences and women.

10 May:

1907: Mother's Day first celebrated, the idea of Miss Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia.

1937: The first frozen food goes on sale in Britain, Smedley's asparagus.

1967: Compulsory breath tests become law in the Road Safety Bill.

11 May:

1811: Chang and Eng Bunker, the original Siamese twins, born in Siam joined at the chest. They both married and fathered 21 children between them.

1812: Last assassination of a British Prime Minister when Spencer Perceval was shot by John Bellingham.

1949: Siam changes its name to Thailand.

12 May:

1870: Rules of water polo drawn up by the London Swimming Association.

1935: Alcoholics Anonymous founded in Ohio by William Wilson.

14 May:

1942: War fashions for women in the UK include a call for 'bare legs for patriotism'.

15 May:

1897: A Gay Liberation Society is founded in Munich.

1935: The world's first TV quiz programme is broadcast is Canada.

1940: Nylon stockings go on sale in the US.

16 May:

1763: James Boswell first meets Dr Samuel Johnson, at Tom Davie's bookshop in Russell Street, London.

1934: Wimbledon decides, with some reluctance, to permit women players to wear shorts.

1960: Commons gives unopposed second reading to a bill to curb Teddy Boys.

1975: Junko Takei of Japan becomes the first woman to climb Everest.

1983: First wheel clamps in London.

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