Ben Pomeroy tackle: Catalan Dragons centre sent-off for WWE-style suplex on Ashley Gibson during win over Castleford

Pomeroy has now been sent-off in his last two home games for Catalans

Jack de Menezes
Monday 24 August 2015 11:45 BST
Gibson flies through the air after Pomeroy releases him
Gibson flies through the air after Pomeroy releases him (YouTube/First Strike Productions)

Catalan Dragons centre Ben Pomeroy was sent-off for the second home Super League game in a row after a WWE-style suplex tackle on Ashley Gibson forced the Castleford wing Ashley Gibson.

Pomeroy has only just returned from a suspension for a shoulder charge on St Helens’ Josh Jones in the Dragons’ previous home game on 8 August.

While Pomeroy was given his marching orders for flipping the Castleford player onto his head, Gibson had to be carried off after receiving treatment, but he was fit enough to travel back with his Castleford team-mates after suffering whiplash.

Ben Pomeroy flings Ashley Gibson over his shoulder
Ben Pomeroy flings Ashley Gibson over his shoulder (YouTube/First Strike Productions)
Gibson flies through the air after Pomeroy releases him
Gibson flies through the air after Pomeroy releases him (YouTube/First Strike Productions)
Gibson lands on his head and neck, suffering whiplash
Gibson lands on his head and neck, suffering whiplash (YouTube/First Strike Productions)

Pomeroy took to Twitter to thank fans that had sent messages of support. He said: “Thank you for the message! I’m all good…just a bit of whiplash thank god.!

Watch the video of the tackle below…

Pomeroy now faces a lengthy ban for his latest discrepancy, which looked more common in the wrestling ring than on the rugby field.

Despite the loss of Pomeroy when Catalans were leading 20-0, the French outfit went on to win 44-26 winners and deal the Tigers a major blow in their quest to reach the Super League semi-finals.

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