Hold The Back Page: 19/02/2011

Matt Fleming
Saturday 19 February 2011 01:00 GMT

It's a big weekend for...

The Cricket World Cup

There are two ways to look at the World Cup. The first is that England have a grand opportunity to add the one trophy that has eluded them to the World Twenty20 title they picked up last year and the Ashes they keep winning. The other is that we now must sit through six long weeks of a 50-over format none of us give a free hit about any more. As is often the case, the amount of coverage the tournament in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh engenders over here will depend on how long England are in the hunt – they kick off their challenge on Tuesday against the cricket powerhouse that is the Netherlands. But of more importance is that the hosts stage an incident-free event. India face Bangladesh today.

We applaud you wholeheartedly

Uefa's 'successful ticket launch'

Hit through the ball with the inside or outside of the foot. That's one way to impart spin. The other is to write for Uefa.com. "London ticket launch success," was the headline leading the website yesterday after the exorbitant prices for this year's Champions League final at Wembley were unveiled. What did the world at large think? Here's a selection of yesterday's back pages: "Uefa attacked over £176 ticket," said your super-soaraway Independent; "Rip off!" screamed the Mirror; "Storm over Champions League prices," said the Telegraph; "Fan Fury," added the Mail and Guardian. Keep practising those banana shots, Uefa.

Plus the stories you may have missed

Name the Olympic ball

Azteca, Tango, Etrusco, Fevernova, and who could forget last year's unloved (albeit unfairly) Jabulani...the list of monikers for tournament footballs is a long and far from illustrious one. Think you can do better? Now's your chance. Adidas, makers of the London 2012 ball, are offering you the opportunity "to be a part of Olympic and football history" by proposing a name for next year's ball. History suggests the "expert panel" will want the winning name to have a connection to east London like Jelliedeeli, or, if as is traditionally the case the ball doesn't live up to expectations, the Rejuvenation.

Go to www.adidas.co.uk/nametheball.

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