Henley Rowing Club: Senior officers step aside for investigation of alleged inappropriate behaviour by a coach towards junior girls
The allegations are thought to relate to claims of bullying and favouritism

Henley, the home of British rowing, has been rocked by allegations made against a coach of “inappropriate behaviour” towards junior girls.
The allegations are thought to relate to claims of bullying and favouritism at Henley Rowing Club where three senior officers have been accused of failing to take adequate action.
John Friend, the club’s President, the Captain David Lister and Chairman Jeff Morgan were asked by British Rowing, the sport’s governing body, to step aside while an investigation is carried out. It has appointed a specialist sports resolution organisation to investigate the claims.
Laura Fieldman, British Rowing’s safeguarding officer, reportedly alerted the club to the allegations in a letter in which she said: "British Rowing has received information citing allegations of inappropriate behaviour by a coach towards junior girls at Henley Rowing Club.”
"It has further been alleged that senior officers at the club were aware of at least some of these concerns and did not act appropriately to address them.
"The coach concerned has been made aware of specific allegations relating to his conduct."
A spokesman for British Rowing said: “British Rowing can confirm an independent investigation led by Sport Resolutions is being conducted at Henley Rowing Club.
“As part of this investigation three individuals have voluntarily withdrawn themselves from club activity. This withdrawal should be seen as a neutral act and is standard procedure in such instances.”
The prestigious Henley club said last night it was “fully co-operating” with the investigation but would continue to “operate as normal”.
In a statement it said: “Henley Rowing Club can confirm that its Captain, Chairman and President have been asked by British Rowing to ‘withdraw themselves from any rowing related activities’ pending an investigation by an external agency, Sport Resolutions in relation to alleged welfare issues.”
Mervyn Theaker, the Club Secretary, said in an e-mail to members: “Uninformed speculation and gossip will not help and we should continue to operate as normal.
“The other officers at the club will, for the time being, fulfil the roles of David, Jeff and John. While there may be some early disruption to the coaching of juniors, the club is putting in place plans to ensure that this is minimised and that all age groups continue to be fully supported.”
Henley Rowing Club is thought to be the oldest open rowing club in England, possibly dating to 1830, and last year celebrated its 175 anniversary of competing in the Henley Royal Regatta.