Inside Lines: Cameron lands a blow for the blue corner

Sports Diarist,Alan Hubbard
Sunday 06 January 2008 01:00 GMT

Gordon "Clunking Fist" Brown has been beaten to the punch by the Tory leader, David Cameron, who will formally open Amir Khan's 1 million community gym in Bolton on Thursday. The PM was approached six weeks ago, but after Downing Street dithering Cameron has agreed to do the honours instead. It was Khan's promoter, Frank Warren, a staunch Labour supporter, who arranged it through his friendship with the Tory spin doctor Andy Coulson. Cameron's office say he is delighted to be asked as he is keen to see more youngsters take up boxing which Khan's gym is designed to encourage. So is Khan now boxing from the blue corner? "Not at all," says his business manager, Asif Vali. "Amir is completely non-political, but we wanted to get a high-profile figure to help launch the project." Khan, named the No 1lightweight in Britain last week by 'Boxing News' above British champion Jon Thaxton has invited dozens of VIP guests to the gym opening. As it is sponsored by Network Rail, who have had their lines crossed, let's hope they get there on time.

Hoey stays on target as shooters find favour

Kate Hoey may have lost her job as sports minister because she was too sharp for football's Soho Square suits, but she remains a champion of sporting causes which make the Government feel queasy. Such as boycotting Zimbabwe and restoring home training facilities to "pariah" pistol shooters. So she must feel gratified that both may now come about, not least because of her Parliamentary pressure. She also campaigned for the long-overdue award of an OBE to shooter Mick Gault, with 15 medals England's most successful Commonwealth Games competitor.

Dame Kelly's eye on Olympic hopefuls

At this time of the year most dames are being exhorted by kids to look behind them. Not Kelly Holmes. As a real one, she is urging her young audience to look ahead to 2012 and beyond. This weekend the supreme Olympian is telling 75 of Britain's Olympic wannabes exactly what it takes to become a champion. No panto, this exercise is at a Loughborough "boot camp" organised by the Youth Sports Trust, where the Army has been called in to help put teenage talents drawn from canoeing, rowing cycling, sailing and triathlon through commando-style mental and physical exercises. "It is a challenge which will really make them think about whether they are good enough to make it," says Dame Kelly. Oh yes it is!

England women champion the grass roots

After the early departure of disaffected chairman Derek Mapp, Sport England have now lost their head of national sport, Lisa Wainwright, who has been appointed CEO of Volleyball England. But the beleaguered quango soldier on, and continue to do decent work at the grass roots with their Sporting Champions scheme. Five of the England women's football team are the latest "iconic" recruits to a an all-star unit that goes into local communities to "motivate and inspire" young people. Question: would the England men's football team be similarly public-spirited?

Hitman Hatton still aims to end up a winner on pints

Apparently the count reached 57 pints that is but Ricky Hatton was still standing after the mother of all booze-ups in Tenerife. How he binges is his business, but it seems the Hitman is intent on getting his name not just into the 'Ring' record book but the one published annually by his best friend, Mr Guinness.

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