Cardiff manager latest: Malky Mackay keeps his job as chairman Mehment Dalman talks Vincent Tan into withdrawing threat

The chaos at Cardiff took another, unexpected turn on Sunday with Mackay now being told he will stay on as the Bluebirds manager

Ed Aarons
Monday 23 December 2013 02:00 GMT
Malky Mackay salutes the Cardiff fans after the 3-1 defeat at Liverpool on Sunday
Malky Mackay salutes the Cardiff fans after the 3-1 defeat at Liverpool on Sunday (PA)

Twenty four hours after taking charge of what seemed to be his final match in charge of Cardiff City, Malky Mackay was granted a dramatic stay of execution by owner Vincent Tan on Sunday after chairman Mehmet Dalman revealed the Scot will remain in charge “for the foreseeable future”..

Having been given an ultimatum to resign or face the sack by Tan before Saturday’s 3-1 defeat at Liverpool, Mackay’s future appeared bleak when he refused to relinquish his post despite rumours that former England manager Sven Goran Eriksson was being lined up for the role. However, after Dalman cancelled his Christmas break in France to act as peacemaker, Tan was persuaded to reconsider his stance and is now expected to hold talks with Mackay in a bid to resolve their differences. “The crisis for the time being is over,” said Dalman in an interview with the BBC. “As things stand Malky is in charge for the foreseeable future and will be until something else happens.”

The club also released a statement from Dalman on their website which confirmed Tan is open to negotiations.

“The emphasis as of today is for us to create space and dialogue,” he said. “I have spoken to Vincent Tan and he has agreed I can go into bat to try to bring a solution.

“The important thing is that we try to find a way through this predicament. There is goodwill on Vincent’s side. I’ve not had a chance to talk to Malky just yet, but I will obviously do that as well.

“We need to have further dialogue to see if we can get through this together for the good of the club, which is the most important thing.”

Former Manchester United striker Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has also been linked as a potential replacement for Mackay, who has guided Cardiff to 15th in the Premier League after winning the Championship last season. However Dalman denied that any approach has been made: “I’ve read and heard so much nonsense about us speaking to four different candidates. It’s simply not true.”

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