Wellingborough chairman banned for sexist remarks towards female referee

Referee Mary Harmer was officiating Wellingborough’s 7-0 defeat to Rushden and Diamonds

Tuesday 08 March 2016 12:09 GMT

Wellingborough Town's chairman has been banned and fined after being found guilty of aiming sexist remarks towards a female match official.

Referee Mary Harmer was officiating Wellingborough’s 7-0 defeat to Rushden and Diamonds in the United Counties League when Martin Potton, who denies the claims, was allegedly overheard commenting on her suitability for the role.

Speaking to BBC Sport, he said: “I deny all the charges but was found guilty in my absence as I was denied the opportunity of a personal hearing.”

Potton has been banned by a Football Association disciplinary commission for the maximum amount of five matches while being handed a £75 fine for aiming derogatory and insulting language towards a match official.

It has been reported that Harmer did not hear the comments herself but others in the ground did before making complaints to the FA.

Lindsay England, founder of equality group Just A Ball Game, was at the match in April 2015 and has revealed on BBC television she was one of those who reported the incident. Potton has also been ordered to attend a mandatory education lesson.

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