Jack Wilshere wins Match of the Day Goal of the Season award after Arsenal fans hijack vote

The England midfielder was the surprise winner of the poll

Simon Rice
Tuesday 26 May 2015 18:01 BST
Jack Wilshere celebrates his final-day strike
Jack Wilshere celebrates his final-day strike (GETTY IMAGES)

Jack Wilshere won Match of the Day's goal of the season award for the second year running thanks to a collective surge of support from Arsenal fans.

The midfielder was a late entry among the eight contenders for the gong, with his final day strike against West Brom deemed worthy of inclusion.

When the results came in it seemed BBC officials had been right to include it, with Wilshere's volleyed effort from outside the box taking a staggering 34 per cent of the vote.

However, Match of the Day presenter Gary Lineker felt compelled to point out that there had been something of a rallying cry from Arsenal fans on Twitter to vote for Wilshere.

Wilshere, who won the award the previous year for rounding off a brilliant team move against Norwich, thanked those who voted for him.

Lineker and Match of the Day pundits Alan Shearer and Danny Murphy expressed surprise at the result - with Shearer saying his pick would have been Charlie Adam's effort from his own half against Chelsea, whilst Murphy would have picked Bobby Zamora's outside-of-the-foot lob for QPR. Other contenders included Juan Mata's acrobatic strike against Liverpool, Angel Di Maria's lob against Leicester and Graziano Pelle's self-made overhead volley.

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