Jason Manford 'apologises' for comparing Blackpool owner Karl Oyston to an 'odious ferret'

Comedian has said he is sorry...to ferrets and ferret owners

James Orr
Thursday 30 April 2015 10:01 BST
Jason Manford (left) and Karl Oyston
Jason Manford (left) and Karl Oyston (GETTY/ REX)

Comedian Jason Manford has 'apologised' for describing Blackpool owner Karl Oyston as an odious ferret after being handed a solicitors letter from Oyston.

Cheeky Manford has responded to the letter to say that he is sorry...to ferrets and ferret owners for comparing them to the Seasiders' owner.

Oyston has enraged Blackpool fans over his running of the club in recent seasons, with the Seasiders relegated to the third tier League One this term. Just last week, a Blackpool fan was forced to make a public apology and pay £20,000 in damages after criticising him on social media. The money was eventually raised by football fans through crowd funding.

Manford's original tweet, in which he labelled Oyston as an "odious ferret" was sent yesterday.

Posting on his Facebook page, the former One Show host Manford wrote:

"Dear fans,

After my earlier post regarding calling Karl Oyston of Blackpool FC an 'odious ferret' I've been contacted by my lawyers.

So I would like to retract my comments, they were unfair and misjudged and I can only apologise for letting myself, my family and my fans down. The last thing I want is to cause upset and to be taken to court over a silly comment.

I can only hope that my apology is accepted by ferrets and ferret owners everywhere. They of course make lovely, loving, loyal pets & are easily trainable & entertaining. To compare them to that total bell*** was an insult to ferrets and for that I am sorry. To be even be mentioned in the same sentence to that knuckle-dragging slimy c********* was a miscalculation on my part.


Jason Manford"

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