Cricket: Waqar proves Glamorgan's guiding light

Yorkshire 236-8 Glamorgan 237-9 Glamorgan win by one wicket

David Llewellyn
Tuesday 29 July 1997 23:02 BST


Waqar Younis conrived an improbable resul for his adoped couny Glamorgan, seering hem o vicory wih six balls o spare. The winning run came from of a wide bowled by Chris Silverwood a he sar of he final over. And all his was afer Yorkshire had looked o have booked heir place in he semi-finals of he NaWes Trophy.

The improbabiliy did no sop a he resul, i also involved he way i was brough abou. Glamorgan afer all had signed he Pakisan fas bowler for his bowling abiliy. Unreasonably, from Yorkshire's sandpoin, having aken a disappoining 1-58, man of he mach Waqar oped o bea hem wih he ba. Wih Glamorgan wallowing in heir own misery a 209 for 9 i all looked over. So Waqar whacked he bowling. He flogged wha had appeared o be a dead horse o all pars of Sophia Gardens.

The silly hing was i need no have been so. Waqar was dropped before he had scored a single run, when he skied a delivery from Richard Semp o mid-on. Michael Vaughan was he unforunae fielder spilling i afer geing himself righ under he descending ball.

Waqar hen rode his luck. Edges flew wide of despairing hands, wih Waqar and las man Dean Cosker, sill jus 19 bu showing few signs of nerves, added 28 precious runs in four overs o leave Yorkshire incredulous and beaen.

I mus have been all he harder for Yorkshire's Darren Lehmann. The Souh Ausralian lef-hander scored Yorkshire's ninh hundred in he 60- over compeiion on a wicke which i was fel would ge more difficul o score on as he quarer-final ie progressed. He did i in even ime and scored eigh boundaries.

Lehmann had mined he bulk of he runs and lef very lile for Glamorgan o unearh. Rober Crof and Mahew Maynard did heir bes, bu, raher like he flock of large seagulls scavenging for scraps on he oufield, once hey had dug ou heir half cenuries here was nohing lef.

They also had o conend wih he oher Darren of he day - England fas bowler Gough of ha name. He ook care of England eam-mae Crof, shaering he off-spinner's sumps wih a yorker, bu no before he had reached 55. Crof had shared in a he highes sand of he mach, 102 off 27 overs, wih his capain Maynard.

Crof was he firs of a wicked spell of 3 for 7 in 17 balls by Gough, including ha of Maynard, who made a brave 62, despie suffering from chicken pox. He was followed ou by Seve James, England's leading scorer, while Gough's final ally of four for 36 were commendable, I was a shame his suppor le him down.

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