Almanack: Dictator dates

Andrew Baker
Saturday 16 April 1994 23:02 BST

LAST week it was announced that the European Championship qualifying match between Wales and Germany, scheduled for 26 April 1995, will not be played in Berlin as that date is also the birthday of Rudolf Hess. Bearing in mind that England's match with Germany will not, as scheduled, be played next Wednesday due to its coincidence with Hitler's birthday, Almanack has prepared the following at-a-glance cut-out-and-keep guide to remaining Nazi anniversaries, and those of other unpleasant historical figures. If your team has a fixture scheduled for any of the following dates in these countries, don't bother packing your suitcase . . .

Germany Himmler, 7 October; Goebbels, 29 October; Goring, 12 January; Eichmann, 19 March. Spain Franco, 4 December. Italy Mussolini, 29 July. France Petain, 24 March. Russia Stalin, 21 December. Japan Hirohito, 29 April. Romania Ceausescu, 26 January. Argentina Galtieri, 15 July. Paraguay Stroessner, 3 November.

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