Studio flat where bedroom, kitchen and shower are in one room can be yours for £563 a month

This bedsit on Earls Court Road is not exactly good value for money

Antonia Molloy
Friday 09 May 2014 13:18 BST

Anyone renting in the capital will know that you don’t always get a lot for your money – but one property in west London is taking the trend to the extreme.

This studio flat on Earls Court Road boasts many in-demand amenities, including a bed, kitchen, shower and double glazing.

There’s just one small drawback – it’s all squeezed into one room. Oh, and there’s no mention of a toilet either.

And the cherry on top of the cake? It can all be yours for the bargain price of…£536 a month.

However, despite the seemingly poor value for money, a spokesman for Rightmove said that a lot of people have expressed interest in the property, which was posted on its website on Wednesday.

The furnished bedsit seems to be particularly aimed at students. It is within walking distance of Imperial College and the toilet facilities are shared, like in many university halls. It is also available for the next academic year, starting in September.

But any student forking out for the rent might find themselves short of beer money...

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