The best of the market... Houses with amazing gardens
W Midlands
The Stourton Castle Estate, nr. Stourbridge, West Midlands. A Grade II medieval castle with terraced gardens, a par terre, lily pond and woodland walk. 8 beds, 2 bath, 3 receps, banqueting hall, morning room, gun room, study, staff flat, gatehouse, courtyard with 3 cottages, garden cottage, walled nursery garden, frontage to the River Stour, 95 acres. pounds 1.35 million
Knight Frank 01432-273087.
High House, Clanfield, An impressive Victorian gothic house set in walled gardens. 6 beds, 2 bath, 2 showers, 4 receps, kitchen, breakfast room, cottage with 2 beds, former dairy, 0.33 acres. pounds 425,000
John D Wood 01865-311522.
Grove House, Martham, Great Yarmouth, A Grade II period house situated in half an acre of pretty part-walled gardens. 6 beds, 1 bath, 2 receps, kitchen, utility room, cloakroom, dairy, cellar, 0.56 acres. pounds 210,000
Bidwells 01603-763939.
The Wheatsheaf, Weedon, A Grade II Tudor house with a pretty garden, including a pond with a bridge and a wild garden with walkway. 4 beds, 1 bath, 2 receps, cloakroom, kitchen, 1 cottage, 2 stable conversions, barns, 1 acre. pounds 575,000
Knight Frank 01865-790077.
Gort House, PetershamA Grade II Georgian house with a large, well-stocked mature garden. 4/5 beds, 2 bath, 2 receps, study, kitchen, conservatory, cellar, 0.46 acres. pounds 650,000
John D Wood 0171-727 0705.
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