Gardening: Cuttings: Weekend work
DEADHEADING is scarcely work, more tinkering - a job to fill the odd 10 minutes. Phlomis needs it, roses of course, old flowered stems of various iris, Jacob's ladder, sweet williams. These last can be left in the ground if they are not in the way. Growth will thicken up and provide you with more flowers next year without the bother of sowing fresh seed.
Clear out rows of early peas and broad beans and fork out any stray weeds growing among them. If you have not set out your leeks yet, they could go in the same ground.
As spikes of delphiniums finish flowering, cut them to within 6in of the ground. If well mulched, they should produce enough growth for a second flowering in early autumn.
Layer border carnations, choosing sideshoots that have not flowered. Nick the underside of each stem and peg them down with earth scattered over each one. New roots should have formed by September when the layers can be separated from the parent.
Plant autumn-flowering bulbs such as colchicum and sternbergia as soon as you can get hold of them. Colchicums are ideal in rough grass, perhaps a meadow area that you have recently mowed. They also sit well among shrubs where their large leaves which come in spring will not get in the way.
Set them about 4in deep and put a pinch of bonemeal into each hole at planting time. The bright-yellow sternbergia will need a sunny position to flower well. Established clumps of either flower can be split and replanted now.
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