Six leading war-crimes suspects from Bosnia and Croatia wanted by the UN tribunal
Name: Radovan Karadzic
Job: Bosnian Serb political leader.
Present address: Somewhere in Bosnian Serb territory.
Date of indictment: 25 July 1995
Charge: Genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Specifically, he is accused of atrocities perpetrated against civilians throughout Bosnia, including the sniping campaign against residents of Sarajevo. He is also accused of taking UN peace-keepers hostage as human shields.
Name: Ratko Mladic
Job: Military commander of the Bosnian Serbs.
Present address: Somewhere in Bosnian Serb territory.
Date of indictment: 25 July 1995
Charge: Genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Like Mr Karadzic, he is accused of crimes against Bosnian civilians and UN peace-keepers. Accusations include the shelling of a busy cafe area in Tuzla last May and seizure of 284 UN troops this summer in Pale and Gorazde.
Name: Tihomir Blaskic
Job: Bosnian Croat military commander. He was appointed last Tuesday to the rank of inspector in Croatia's army.
Present address: Normally in Bosnian Croat territory, he is now presumed to be heading for Zagreb.
Date of indictment: 13 November 1995.
Charge: Crimes against humanity. Charges against him relate to the same crimes as those of which Mr Kordic is accused, namely the persecution of Bosnian Muslims in central Bosnia.
Name: Milan Martic
Job: Civilian political leader of the breakaway Croatian Serb mini-state.
Present address: Last heard of in Bosnian Serb city of Banja Luka.
Date of indictment: 25 July 1995
Charge: Crimes relate to the firing of cluster bombs into central Zagreb last May. The Croatian Serbs launched their rocket attacks on Zagreb, killing six people, as the Croatian army successfully recaptured the Serb- held enclave of western Slavonia.
Name: Dario Kordic
Job: Deputy civilian political leader of self-proclaimed Bosnian Croat mini-state.
Present address: Somewhere in Croat-held territory.
Date of indictment: 13 November 1995
Charge: Crimes against humanity related to the persecution of Bosnian Muslims on political, racial and religious grounds. The indictment accuses him of such large-scale destruction that almost the entire civilian Muslim population of the Lasva valley in central Bosnia was destroyed in 1993.
Name: Mile Mrksic
Job: Serbian officer, later commander of Croatian Serb forces.
Present address: Last heard of in Serb-held Bosnia.
Date of indictment: 9 November 1995
Charge: Crimes against humanity. Accused of involvement in the massacre of 261 Croats and non-Serbs after the capture of the Croat town of Vukovar in November 1991. The officers are said to have removed the men from the hospital, then taken them to a site near a farm for execution.
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