Islamic State: 'David Cameron's head will be on a spike,' says British woman in Syria

18-year-old joined Isis and is with British extremists including Aqsa Mahmood

Lizzie Dearden
Wednesday 10 September 2014 10:36 BST
The woman calling herself Al Britaniyaa pictured in Syria
The woman calling herself Al Britaniyaa pictured in Syria (TWitter)

A young British woman who travelled to Syria to join the Islamic State (Isis) has said she wants to see “David Cameron’s head on a spike”.

The threat from the woman, who claims to be 18 and tweets under the name Al Britaniyaa (formerly Al Jazraweeya), came with a stream of hate-filled posts against moderate Muslims and the West.

In a previous post, she wrote: “The black flag is not only limited to Iraq and Shaam ['Greater Syria'] inshallah it shall fly over 10 Downing St.”

Following the start of US air strikes against Isis in Iraq, she also said that Barack Obama's decapitated head would be on "Raqqa roundabout" and later tweeted a picture of herself with a gun.

Although the teenager has not been identified, messages posted under the account @UmmKhattab__ appear to show she is in the Isis stronghold of Raqqa in Syria.

On 27 June, she wrote: “I don’t think it's still hit me that I'm in Shaam”, suggesting the move was recent.

She has poured scorn on moderate Muslims back at home in Britain, saying they “all need a lashing”.

“Me and the sisters here in shaam all had great families and we were all in uni,” she wrote.

“And we sacrificed all of that for the best in akriah [afterlife].

The woman calling herself Al Britaniyaa pictured in Syria
The woman calling herself Al Britaniyaa pictured in Syria (Twitter)

“We’re not stupid young brainwashed females, we’ve come here to Syria for ALLAH alone

“I might be only 18 but I know coming to shaam the best decision staying in the UK completely diminishes your Islam.”

Her interactions on Twitter show she knows other female British extremists who have travelled to Syria to marry Isis fighters.

Among them is Aqsa Mahmood, 20, who fled her home in Glasgow last November and is rumoured to be operating a religious police force that punishes women for “un-Islamic behaviour”.

Aqsa Mahmood, 20, fled to Syria from Scotland and has married an Isis fighter
Aqsa Mahmood, 20, fled to Syria from Scotland and has married an Isis fighter (PA)

“Our daughter is brainwashed and deluded and helping those engaged in genocide,” her parents said.

“If our daughter, who had all the chances and freedom in life, could become a bedroom radical, then it is possible for this to happen to any family.”

Dozens of women are believed to be among up to 500 Britons who have travelled to Syria to join Isis, including the militant known as “jihadi John” who was filmed beheading American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff.

The Prime Minister has pushed for increased legal powers to monitor suspected extremists and said passports can be removed for people attempting to travel abroad to fight.

Aqsa Mahmood and another woman in Syria in a picture tweeted in 2014.
Aqsa Mahmood and another woman in Syria in a picture tweeted in 2014. (Twitter)

But Islamists in Syria appear to be keeping up with the developments, with Al Britaniyaa tweeting: “I really do not understand why Britain is threatening to remove our citizenship like we care lool [sic] it’s actually quiet laughable.”

“As well as stopping people going, we must also keep out foreign fighters who would pose a threat to the UK,” Mr Cameron said.

“We already have important powers to block return.”

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