Isis stab man in the heart and then shoot him for being a spy
His body was then hung from a lampost in the middle of a busy road

Isis have executed a man by stabbing him in the heart and then shooting him in the head.
Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently (RBSS), an activist group documenting atrocities committed by the terror organisation, said the man was murdered on charges of being a spy.
He was blindfolded and dressed in an orange jumpsuit, which has become synonymous with the group's execution videos, before being killed in the group's de facto Syrian capital Raqqa.
His body was then hung from a lampost in the middle of a busy road.
Yesterday, the terror group threw a man accused of being homosexual from a high building before a crowd stoned him to death.
They have also placed a 19-year-old girl in a cage with skeletons as punishment for violating the group's strict dress code.
More than 50 mass graves, containing the bodies of men, women and children murdered by Isis have been uncovered in Iraq.
Government forces have been uncovering the sites one by one, as they sweep territory formerly held by the so-called Islamic State, revealing further evidence of war crimes and possible genocide, a United Nations envoy said.
Isis recently suffered one of its biggest military defeats in Palmyra, which was seized by regime forces backed by Russian air strikes.
Last month, US President Barack Obama said Isis fighters were coming to "realise their cause is lost".
Mr Obama said the size of the group's army was at its lowest level for two years and that it had lost 40 per cent of its territory in Iraq and 10 per cent in Syria.
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