EU facing ‘changed’ landscape as world emerges from pandemic, says Martin

The European Financial Forum focuses on how financial services in a post-pandemic world can make a fairer and greener climate.

Cate McCurry
Thursday 17 February 2022 14:29 GMT
Taoiseach Micheal Martin (Brian Lawless/PA)
Taoiseach Micheal Martin (Brian Lawless/PA) (PA Wire)

EU countries are facing a “changed and more competitive” landscape as the world emerges from the pandemic, the Taoiseach has said.

Speaking at the European Financial Forum, Micheal Martin said that accelerating digital and decarbonisation transitions are bringing “challenges” as well as opportunity for growth.

This year’s forum focused on how the European financial services in a post-pandemic world can make a fairer and greener climate.

In a pre-recorded address, Mr Martin said the Irish Government’s 2021 economic recovery plan is helping to drive a “jobs-rich recovery”, while supporting the transition towards a decarbonised and digital economy.

“As we emerge from the recent Omicron wave of the virus, Ireland does so with strong employment growth and robust wider economic progress,” Mr Martin said.

“This points to a resilient society and economy and a strong recovery and renewal ahead.

“Given the unprecedented challenges the last two years have brought, today’s forum provides a timely opportunity to discuss how we can build on the success and resilience your sector has shown in what has been an intensely uncertain environment for all sectors.

“Against the backdrop of Brexit and the pandemic, Ireland has positioned itself as a competitive and attractive location for global investment.

“Indeed, in a post Brexit era, Ireland has become a key strategic location for financial services firms accessing Europe.

As we consider European financial services in a post-pandemic world, we must consider how to balance our climate and growth commitments and rebuild a more sustainable and equitable economy

Taoiseach Micheal Martin

“This has been underpinned by our strong talent pool across technical, financial and legal disciplines.

“We have the knowledge, expertise and leadership to support your sector as you move forward.”

He added: “As we consider European financial services in a post-pandemic world, we must consider how to balance our climate and growth commitments and rebuild a more sustainable and equitable economy.

“Better, fairer and greener as we emerge from one global emergency.

“We all have a responsibility and a duty to rebuild in a way that responds to future emergencies.”

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