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Norwegian killer Anders Breivik complains of his 'inhumane' conditions


Tony Paterson
Friday 09 November 2012 21:30 GMT

Norway thought it had heard the last of Anders Behring Breivik, but yesterday it emerged that the man responsible for the massacre of 77 people had complained to prison staff about being served cold coffee and not being allowed to use a moisturiser.

Breivik was jailed for 21 years in July for killing eight people in a car bomb attack in Oslo and then shooting dead scores of teenagers at a political summer camp. But in a 27-page letter to the prison authorities, leaked to Norway's VG newspaper yesterday, the far-right killer complained of his "inhumane" conditions. Breivik is being held at the Ila prison, north of Oslo, where he can study, sleep and exercise.

In his letter he said he was being held in isolation for 23 hours a day in a poorly decorated cell with no view. He also complained that his coffee was being served cold, he was not given enough butter for his bread and he was not allowed to use a skin moisturiser. Prison authorities have not commented.

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