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Michael Mosley – latest: TV doctor leaves Britain for the better, says friend in moving BBC tribute

The 67-year-old, who died on Greek island of Symi, ‘changed how we see ourselves, our health and wellbeing’

Jane Dalton
Monday 17 June 2024 13:23
Michael Mosley caught on CCTV the day he disappeared

The late television and radio doctor Michael Mosley leaves Britain for the better, after showing millions of people how to improve their health and wellbeing in easy ways, a friend and former colleague has said.

Scientist and broadcaster Dr Hannah Fry said in a special BBC documentary: “Dr Michael Mosley achieved what so many broadcasters dream of: he made a difference to people’s lives, changing the way we see ourselves, our health and our wellbeing.

“And in doing that for so many people, for so many years, he leaves Britain for the better.”

Dr Mosley , who died after disappearing on a walk on the Greek island of Symi, was aksi hailed as “one of the most important broadcasters of recent decades” in a special BBC Radio 4 programme.

It comes as his body is likely to be released to his family and repatriated by the weekend.

He was found to have died of natural causes on 5 June after setting off for a walk from Saint Nikolas beach at around 1.30pm that day in searing 40C heat without a mobile phone.


Medical and scientific community in ‘complete grief’ over Dr Mosley’s death

The medical and scientific community have reacted with “complete grief” to the death of Michael Mosley after he died while on holiday in Greece.

The broadcaster and columnist, who was reported missing on Wednesday before his body was found on Sunday, advocated intermittent fasting through the 5:2 diet and The Fast 800 diet and presented science and medical documentaries on the BBC and Channel 4.

Dr Mosley based his book The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet on research by Roy Taylor, who is a professor of medicine and metabolism at Newcastle University and the academic contributed to the work.

Asked how the research community has reacted, Professor Taylor said: “I think with complete grief, because Michael was such a personable man, he was so likeable.”

Read the full story here:

Medical and scientific community in ‘complete grief’ over Michael Mosley’s death

Mosley based his book The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet on research by Roy Taylor, a professor of medicine and metabolism at Newcastle University.

Tara Cobham13 June 2024 21:00

Watch The One Show shares emotional tribute to Dr Mosley after death in Greece

The One Show shares emotional tribute to Michael Mosley after death in Greece
Tara Cobham13 June 2024 20:00

Dr Mosley ‘invited to appear on Strictly weeks before death’

Michael Mosley had been invited to take part in Strictly Come Dancing, a friend has said, after championing the health benefits of dancing.

The late TV star was reportedly excited as he told friends the BBC had invited him to be on the show for its 20th anniversary just weeks before his tragic death.

While it is thought the 67-year-old had not yet signed a contract for the show, a friend told the Mail: “He told me just the week before last he’d been invited to do Strictly.” The BBC declined to comment.

Read the full story here:

Michael Mosley invited to compete on Strictly before tragic death, friend says

TV star was said to have been excited at the chance to appear on the programme in the weeks before his passing

Tara Cobham13 June 2024 19:00

Two BBC programmes remembering Dr Mosley air tomorrow

Two BBC programmes remembering TV presenter and columnist Michael Mosley are airing tomorrow.

On Friday at 8pm, Michael Mosley – The Doctor Who Changed Britain will take a look at his almost four decades of broadcasting on BBC One.

It will cover how he transformed people’s lives, fronted the BBC show Trust Me I’m A Doctor and Radio 4’s podcast Just One Thing, and worked behind the scenes as a producer.

The BBC said: “His programmes have made a lasting impact on the nation’s health habits from intermittent fasting to the benefits of a cold shower.

“Michael also shared his own struggles with audiences worldwide; as a chronic insomniac he made programmes about sleep and, ever curious, he would also go to extremes in the pursuit of science, even infecting himself with a tapeworm. Celebrating Michael’s career, this programme marks the enormous impact he made, touching the lives of so many.”

Another programme, There’s Only One Michael Mosley will air on BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds from Friday at 11am, and will contain the last interview the TV doctor gave.

Tara Cobham13 June 2024 18:00

Watch: Route missing TV doctor suspected to have taken

Michael Mosley: Route missing TV doctor suspected to have taken
Tara Cobham13 June 2024 15:56

Downing Street describes Dr Mosley as ‘extraordinary broadcaster’

Downing Street said Michael Mosley was an “extraordinary broadcaster” who had a “huge impact” on people’s lives.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “The reports from the weekend are heartbreaking and our thoughts are with Dr Michael Mosley’s family, his wife Clare and friends, in what must be deeply sad times.

“We have seen some incredibly touching tributes which have made clear the huge impact that Dr Mosley had on people and helped to transform people’s lives for the better.

“He will be known as an extraordinary broadcaster who used his platform to influence and change the way we think about many public health issues.”

Tara Cobham13 June 2024 14:38

Watch: The stunning island of Symi where tragedy struck

Michael Mosley death: The stunning island of Symi where tragedy struck
Tara Cobham13 June 2024 13:10

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