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Catalans seek shared rule with Spain

Elizabeth Nash
Wednesday 23 October 2002 00:00 BST

Nationalists in Spain's autonomous region of Catalonia are seeking more freedom from Madrid and have proposed a form of shared rule that would minimise interference in their domestic affairs.

The proposal by Artur Mas, the young new leader of the region's ruling Convergence and Union (CiU) party, would grant the Catalan government self-rule in all matters of policy except defence and foreign affairs. The initiative coincides with efforts by the Basque government to become "an associated state" with Spain.

The parallel efforts towards greater independence by Spain's two most powerful national minorities must prompt the conservative government in Madrid to wonder whether the complex structure of devolved powers set up 25 years ago after Franco's dictatorship is now falling apart.

Mr Mas told a party conference in Barcelona on Monday night that he wanted to draw up a new statute of autonomy that would allow Catalonia unfettered action on policies to improve social welfare. It was "a risky venture", he said, "but if we want to advance we must take risks". The biggest change would be for Catalonia to raise itaxes and cede a proportion to Madrid. At the moment, Madrid raises the taxes and restores a share to Catalonia. Mr Mas said any proposals would be agreed by consensus with all main parties and be submitted to Catalans in a referendum. "We must try to achieve everything by dialogue, negotiation and agreement," he said.

Catalonia has always adopted a more moderate and pragmatic approach to devolution than the Basque country, though both regions take every opportunity to assert their distinct national identity; Mr Mas used the word "identity" 23 times in his speech. Both regions are strongly placed to lever concessions from Madrid because of their economic clout: they are the wealthiest regions in Spain. Mr Mas promised that if his party's proposal prospered, the CiU would be participate in government in Madrid. This is something Jose Maria Aznar's conservative government has long sought, since the parties are natural political allies.

Madrid's deputy prime minister, Rodrigo Rato, reacted cautiously, saying the proposal "was not a priority" although he conceded revision of Catalonia's Statute of Autonomy was "envisaged" in the constitution. Madrid's conciliatory attitude to Catalonia contrasts with its trenchant opposition to efforts by ruling Basque Nationalists to seek for their region a looser status of "association". Efforts by the Basque premier, Juan Jose Ibarretxe, to win support for a referendum on Basque independence are condemned by Madrid as unconstitutional, and by Basque radicals as insufficient.

This week, Mr Ibarretxe made his first contact for months with Arnaldo Otegi, the leader of the party formerly known as Batasuna that is suspended for links with Eta armed separatists.

Mr Ibarretxe tried to persuade Mr Otegi to urge a suspension of violence to give the referendum a chance of success. But Mr Otegi said Mr Ibarretxe's proposal did not go far enough.

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