Breakaway Serbs clamp down on minorities
GENEVA (AP) - Serb authorities in Bosnia have imposed sweeping curbs on Croats and Muslims under their control, according to Tadeusz Mazowiecki, the UN special envoy. A spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees said yesterday that the controls were reminiscent of restrictions on Jews imposed by the Nazis. Below are extracts from a Decision on the Status of Non-Serbian population of the Celinac Municipality, a Serb-held town in Bosnia. The Decision, issued by the War Presidency of the town, reached on 23 July, came into effect on 2 August.
Article 1: Due to the fighting on the territory of the Celinac Municipality and the area, there are well founded reasons for the determination of a special status of the non-Serbian population, with clearly defined rights, commitments and responsibilities . . .
Article 4: Citizens of Article 1 are allowed to leave the municipality, provided their relocation is organised and is the relocation of the entire family, and that the local authorities provide them with the appropriate travel documents and a free passage.
Article 5: Citizens of Article 1 are, until further notice:
Not allowed to move around the town from 4pm to 6am
Not allowed to stay in the street, in restaurants and public places
Not allowed to swim in the rivers Vrbanja and Josevica, to fish and hunt
Not allowed to travel to other towns without appropriate authorisation of the authorities
Not allowed to possess any fire arms, regardless of whether they have the necessary permits
Not allowed to use or drive motor vehicles
Not allowed to be in groups bigger than three
Not allowed to communicate without authorisation with relatives who are not citizens of the Celinac Municipality
Not allowed to use telephone facilities except for a post office telephone
Not allowed to wear any uniforms (military, police, forest guard)
Not allowed to sell real estate or exchange apartments without a special authorisation of the municipal authorities.
Article 6: Citizens of Article 1 are obliged to respond to the tasks of compulsory work, and to be disciplined and in no way put disgrace on the battle of the Serbian people for their liberty. They are also obliged to show solidarity with the poor of their own nationality . . . The citizens are obliged to care for a certain number of cattle, if requested by the army.
Article 7: Citizens of article 2 - evaluated as individuals who have been carrying out negative activities and have been exposed in various ways - are also not allowed to establish any contact with their neighbours or walk outdoors from 00.00 to 24.00 unless called up for work . . .
Article 9: This decision comes to effect on the date when reached and will be applied as of 2 August, 1992.
Article 10: Disrespect of this decision will have consequences in accordance with valid regulations.
Article 11: Implementationof this decision will be carriedout by the Celinac police station and other authorities of the Municipality.
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