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Bosnia: Quotes of the Week

Tuesday 19 April 1994 23:02 BST

The Bosnian Serbs need to understand that they are dealing with a great power in Russia and not with a banana republic - Vitaly Churkin, Russia's special envoy

I am essentially still a doctor. My heart bleeds for the people of Gorazde - Lord Owen

(The Serbs are engaging) in a tangle of lies and misleading statements that seldom have been equalled - Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State

I told him, 'If you don't do something specifically, you are witnessing and creating (the) public execution of 70,000 people in Gorazde.' - Ejup Ganic, Bosnian Vice-President, to Boutros Boutros-Ghali, UN Secretary-General

This is clearly a very sad week for the world when the UN peace-keeping operation has been so blatantly used to cover the prosecution of the war by Bosnian Serb authorities - Lt-Gen Sir Michael Rose, UN commander

The escalation of military actions was inevitable as the Bosnian Serbs did not keep their word - Boris Yeltsin

There's been a real humiliation of both organisations (Nato and the UN), and we simply cannot take the kind of brutality that we have seen from the Serbs in Gorazde without some kind of response - Lee Hamilton, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

It is fair to say that because of the setback during the last week by the Serbs violating this agreement we felt we needed to review our policies at the most fundamental level - William Perry, US Defense Secretary

The United States has abdicated the leadership role it assumed in February when Sarajevo was rescued - Senator Bob Dole

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