Cyber Monday: 15 pictures of the 'Amazon fulfilment centre' looking hellacious

That's a lot of boxes

Christopher Hooton
Monday 01 December 2014 16:13 GMT

Today is Cyber Monday, an altogether less frenetic day of shopping than Black Friday, that is unless you work at one of Amazon's warehouses.

Dubbed 'fulfilment centres', the facilities pack hundreds of thousands of packages every day, resembling a cross between the hangar in Raiders of the Lost Ark and an MC Escher drawing.

Taken ahead of the last few Black Fridays and Cyber Mondays, the images below show just what a mammoth operation getting items out to customers in time for Christmas is.

The weirdest grouped order ever shipped? According to a former employee at one of the centres:

'Marilyn Manson full discography; 18 inch double headed dildo; Lord of the Rings blue ray collection; Phillip K. Dick books; Student bible; four 32 oz bottles of sexual lubricant and a VHS video for cats.'

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