Calls for British boycotts
Examples of attempts to harness British consumer power to global, humanitarian or political causes include:
Calls by Burma Action Group for a boycott on tourism to Burma and a boycott of companies investing there (including Texaco, Total and Pepsi).
Calls by Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People for a boycott of Shell until more of its oil profits go to local people in southern Nigeria. (To mark the anniversary of Ken Saro-Wiwa's execution, Body Shop is also running a world-wide campaign for his Ogoni people.)
Boycott by Tibet Support Group (UK) of Holiday Inn for building a hotel in Tibet in partnership with the Chinese government.
A Manchester-based grass-roots, student-run protest - Lloyds and Midland Boycott (Lamb) - which is urging young people to boycott two of Britain's largest banks because of their alleged commercial links with repressive Third World regimes.
Calls by Palestine Solidarity Campaign for a boycott of Israeli produce.
Calls by Western Sahara Campaign for a boycott of tourism to Morocco.
Boycott by Survival International of the Texaco oil company for alleged exploit- ation of tribal lands in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Calls by Kurdistan Information Group for a tourism boycott on Turkey.
Source: Ethical Consumer magazine 0161-226 2929
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