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Jessica Falkholt: Home and Away actor's life support turned off following Boxing Day crash

Thursday 11 January 2018 14:07 GMT
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The life support of Home and Away actor Jessica Falkholt has been switched off at a hospital in Australia following a Boxing Day crash that killed three members of her close family.

"Rest in peace, beautiful Jessica Falkholt," the official account of the series posted in tribute on Twitter.

The 29-year-old and her 21-year-old sister were pulled unconscious from the car wreckage following the crash in New South Wales, their parents Lars and Vivian having been killed instantly.

Annabelle died in hospital three days later, and Jessica had remained in a coma following several surgeries.

Jessica Falkholt as Hope Morrison in Home and Away (Channel 5)
Jessica Falkholt as Hope Morrison in Home and Away (Channel 5)

Paul Ponticello, brother to Vivian and uncle to Jessica, said he "always thought we would grow old together. They are together and always will be."

Prior to her stint in Home and Away, Falkholt had minor television roles in Tricky Business and Underbelly: Badness .

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