Chinese conservationists celebrate birth of seven baby pandas


Rob Williams
Friday 02 November 2012 15:46 GMT
The panda cubs were born following a long procedure to artificially inseminate their parents.
The panda cubs were born following a long procedure to artificially inseminate their parents. (REX FEATURES)

Seven baby panda cubs have been born at a research and conservation facility in Sichuan Province, China.

The panda cubs were born following a long procedure to artificially inseminate their parents.

One of the baby pandas, named Oreo, weighed just 162gms or 6ozs when he was born - it is hoped they will be released into the wild when they are older.

The names of the seven panda babies are: Oreo, Xiao Qiao, Si Yi, Yuan Run, Miao Miao and two twins Cheng Shuang and Cheng Dui.

Dr Zhang Zhihe, director of the Chengdu Panda Base, said: "We are delighted that 2012 have been such a bumper year for panda cubs at the Chengdu Panda Base.

"The birth of so many baby giant pandas is a testament to the success of our breeding programme."

Their births bring the number of pandas at the Chengdu Panda Base to 113.

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