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US Election Diary: Romney's campaign gets a face lift

Monday 29 October 2012 01:00 GMT

Mitt Romney has already lifted one American out of poverty. Eric Hartsburg, from Indiana, recently used eBay to sell "tattooing rights" to his face. A wealthy Republican paid $15,000 (£9,300) for Mr Romney's campaign logo to be inked on his right temple. "I don't mind," the (Romney-supporting) Mr Hartsburg told reporters. "It's something I believe in." Let's hope he feels the same way in 20 years.

Clarkson changes her tune

Kelly Clarkson, a former American Idol winner, ruffled feathers during primary season when she used Twitter to endorse Ron Paul. Now the wholesome, Baptist-raised singer, from Texas is switching horses. "I'm a Republican at heart," she said this week. "But I can't support Romney's policies. I have a lot of gay friends and I don't think it's fair they can't get married... Obama is a great guy." Et tu, Kelly?

Meat Loaf's half-baked plan

The artist known as "Meat Loaf" was unveiled as Mr Romney's latest celebrity backer at a rally in Ohio last week. But could his support backfire? The Smoking Gun website reports that Mr Loaf (real name: Michael Lee Aday) recently filed for a postal ballot from an address in Los Angeles. The problem? He sold that home 18 months ago and has actually been a resident of Austin, Texas, since March. Voter fraud, anyone?

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