US: Despite threats, foreign hackers didn't disrupt election
U.S. officials say they found no evidence that foreign actors changed votes or otherwise disrupted the voting process in last November’s presidential election

U.S. officials found no evidence that foreign actors changed votes or otherwise disrupted the voting process in last November's presidential election, according to government reports Tuesday affirming the integrity of the contest won by President Joe Biden
But U.S. officials say they did track a “broader array” of foreign countries who took steps to influence the election than in past cycles.
Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized influence operations aimed at harming Biden's candidacy and supporting Republican Donald Trump the incumbent, but Russian hackers did not make persistent efforts to break into election infrastructure, unlike past elections, according to a report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Iran for its part, conducted a covert influence campaign aimed at undermining Trump's reelection prospects, according to the intelligence report, while China did not meddle on either side in a likely reflection of its desire for a stable relationship with the U.S.