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Trump news: President says he 'never understood wind' as China attacks Space Force as threat to peace

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Clark Mindock
New York
,Andy Gregory
Monday 23 December 2019 18:17 GMT
Donald Trump renews attack on wind power: 'I never understood wind'

Donald Trump’s conduct in the Ukraine scandal has been called further into question as newly released, heavily redacted internal emails reveal the fears of defence officials and diplomats that his order to withhold military aid could breach spending laws.

Released under court order to the Centre for Public Integrity, the explosive correspondence also showed the White House asked the Pentagon to quietly suspend Congress-approved military aid to the country just 90 minutes after Mr Trump’s call with Volodymyr Zelensky.

As Democrats renewed calls for witnesses in the looming impeachment trial, the president revisited his aversion to wind turbines, claiming they create “bird graveyards” and criticising their production for “spewing” fumes and gases into the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced that she is considering a run for the governor's mansion in Arkansas.

Mr Trump is in Florida for the holidays.

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 16:50

Everyone appears to be feeling the holiday spirit:

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 17:27

A very sad statistic for the US as the decade comes to an end:

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 18:06

Texas senator Ted Cruz says that Nancy Pelosi's decision to wait to send articles of impeachment approved by the House to the Senate — which she reportedly is doing in order to glean some level of leverage  — is a sign of weakness for the case against Donald Trump.

“You can’t make this up,” Mr Cruz told Fox News on Sunday. “Listen, this is a sign of weakness. This is a sign she understands just how weak these articles are. These articles of impeachment that they actually voted on were really an admission of failure.”

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 18:40

The Trumps have been quite quiet on Twitter today, breaking from the president's recent tendency to send out dozens of mini messages a day.

As impeachment was in full effect, Mr Trump on one day retweeted and tweeted over 100 times.

Now, as he is in Florida for the holidays, Mr Trump has so-far tweeted a handful of times.

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 19:29

The Trumps have been quite quiet on Twitter today, breaking from the president's recent tendency to send out dozens of mini messages a day.

As impeachment was in full effect, Mr Trump on one day retweeted and tweeted over 100 times.

Now, as he is in Florida for the holidays, Mr Trump has so-far tweeted a handful of times.

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 19:30

The Trumps have been quite quiet on Twitter today, breaking from the president's recent tendency to send out dozens of mini messages a day.

As impeachment was in full effect, Mr Trump on one day retweeted and tweeted over 100 times.

Now, as he is in Florida for the holidays, Mr Trump has so-far tweeted a handful of times.

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 19:33

And the assault on wine caves in America, and the access that billionaires and millionaires buy in the political system, continues:

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 20:00

Barack Obama has apparently been talking up Elizabeth Warren with the big donors of the Democratic Party — even though she has frequently attacked millionaires, billionaires and the financial system she sees as leaving millions of lower income Americans behind.

While Mr Obama has reportedly stopped short of an all-out endorsement, he has told the donors that they should consider full throated backing for her if she wins the Democratic nomination. And, he has apparently vouched for her credentials and described her as a potentially capable president, according to the Hill.

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 20:30

Clark Mindock23 December 2019 20:55

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