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Trump news: President launches series of wild attacks on 'enemy of the people' US media as impeachment threat grows

Take a look below for our live updates from throughout the day on Tuesday

Clark Mindock
New York
,Joe Sommerlad
Tuesday 23 April 2019 17:01 BST
'We are completely rebuilding our military' Trump boasts about military at Easter Egg event

Donald Trump has lashed out at The New York Times, Morning Joe, CNN, Democrats, and the EU on Twitter — as well as the social media platform itself — during a busy morning in which a new state visit to Britain was also confirmed.

As the president continues to gloat over the outcome of the Mueller report, Democrats are busy formulating their response. Mr Trump has claimed the report exonerates him, but Democrats see grounds for potential impeachment, with 2020 hopeful Elizabeth Warren the most vocal among a growing choir calling for that measure: “If any other human being in this country had done what’s documented in the Mueller report, they would be arrested and put in jail.”

President Trump yesterday took part in the traditional White House Easter Egg Roll in characteristic style, bragging to an audience of children about his rebuilding of the US military and stressing the need for his forthcoming border wall.

While Tuesday proved to be a relatively quite day in Washington compared to the events of te week prior, the Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that could have a dramatic impact on American politics in the years to come.

The court heard arguments related to a challenge to the Trump administration's push to include a question about citizenship on the 2020 census, which could lead around 6.5 million people to avoid the national head count.

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The court appeared divided along party lines on Tuesday, which could lead to a 5-4 split decision in favour of the Trump administration on the issue.

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Here's a comment from Dave Webb, chairman of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, on President Trump's upcoming state visit to the UK.

It's a good one.

"That Trump's has even been offered a state visit - with all the pomp and ceremony that it will entail - is truly shocking.

"Why is Theresa May attempting to normalise the behaviour of a man who casually threatens nuclear war, who tears up nuclear treaties, who has broken every convention of appropriate behaviour with his misogynistic language, his ban on Muslim immigrants, his climate change denial and retweeting material from far-right organisations here in Britain?

"The state visit is totally unacceptable - and certainly not a diplomatic necessity as some have suggested. We will be working with other organisations to mobilise hundreds of thousands of people on the streets in June to oppose the politics Trump represents."

Yep, that about sums it up.

Joe Sommerlad23 April 2019 15:45

Netflix have made a documentary about Democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, which might be the least-surprising statement ever written.

The New York underdog, who has already made huge waves in Washington with her Green New Deal, steely conviction and lively social media presence, was jokingly dismissed by President Trump, unwisely, as a "young bartender" earlier this month.

Joe Sommerlad23 April 2019 16:00

Gerard Araud, the outgoing French ambassador to the US, tells The Financial Times today that Britain's influence in Washington has "vanished" as a result of the Brexit disaster.

Trump has been largely quiet on the subject since hailing himself "Mr Brexit" in August 2016 and briefly entertaining the friendship of Nigel Farage when he still thought he was cool, other than to advise Theresa May to sue the EU over negotiations.

Hmmm, I wonder if that explains the sudden rush to lay on a state visit for Mr T?

Here's our Europe correspondent Jon Stone.

Joe Sommerlad23 April 2019 16:20

Aforementioned Trump ally Lindsey Graham has warned his boss to expect impeachment proceedings.

Joe Sommerlad23 April 2019 16:40

Here's confirmation that no Trump tax returns will be released today - the House Ways and Means Committee's deadline going unanswered.

Joe Sommerlad23 April 2019 16:50

The Democratic Coalition, an organisation describing itself as "the home of The Resistance to Donald Trump and his agenda" and "the nation's largest grassroots anti-Trump organisation", has started a social media campaign to get the hashtag #RepublicansForImpeachment trending.

It's working.

Joe Sommerlad23 April 2019 17:00

Clark Mindock23 April 2019 17:34

Former Watergate prosecutor Richard Ben-Veniste says that attorney general William Barr mischaracterized the Mueller report.

"What he gave them was a mischaracterization of the conclusions of that report," Mr Ben-Veniste told Hill.TV's on Monday. He continued, sayingthat Barr was "banking on the...suspicion that most Americans will be too lazy to read the report." 

Clark Mindock23 April 2019 18:07

Joe Biden is planning on entering the 2020 race on Thursday morning, according to reporters.

Clark Mindock23 April 2019 18:25

Clark Mindock23 April 2019 18:36

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