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Trump news: President disagrees with official CDC warning in rambling coronavirus conference as he puts Pence in charge

Clark Mindock
New York
,Joe Sommerlad
Wednesday 26 February 2020 23:29 GMT
Trump official wrongly says coronavirus rate similar to flu

Donald Trump has downplayed the possibility of a widespread outbreak of the coronavirus inside the United States, calling the risk "low" a day and appearing to disagree with his top health officials who have said it is a matter of when, not if, the country sees serious illnesses.

"No, I dont think it's inevitable. It probably will, It possibly will," he said. "This will end. ... Nothing's inevitable."

He said he was putting vice president Mike Pence in charge of overseeing efforts to protect Americans from the deadly virus, which has killed thousands of people – particularly in China – although there have been no fatalities in the US.

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Trump weighs in on Nancy Pelosi's home district

He and her are known to have a pretty fraught relationship:

Clark Mindock26 February 2020 20:42

Something of a throwback with this observation:

Clark Mindock26 February 2020 21:27

Pelosi is fine with Sanders

Nancy Pelosi has weighed in on the Democratic nomination with a simple one-word answer to whether she would be comfortable with Bernie Sanders at the top of her party's ticket: "Yes".

The comment comes amid heightened fears among establishment Democrats surrounding Sanders and his campaign, with many of his detractors claiming that it is dangerous that he calls himself a "democratic socialist".

Senator Chuck Schumer, who leads democrats in the Senate, has also held his fire:

"Look, the bottom line is very simple," he said on Tuesday when asked about Sanders praising former Cuban leader Fidel Castro for his literacy program. "We have a lot of strong nominees. ... I'm not supporting one over the other, but I think every one of them will beat president Trump."

Clark Mindock26 February 2020 22:00

Maps of coronavirus Trump is about to speak about

Trump is set to discuss coronavirus in roughly one hour. Here's where the virus can be found:

Clark Mindock26 February 2020 22:30

Some reassuring words from the secretary of Health and Human Services

And, yes, we're being sarcastic there:

Clark Mindock26 February 2020 23:00

Trump to make a statement about coronavirus 

The president will hold a news conference at the White House about the coronavirus imminently. You can follow a live stream of it here.

Lucy Anna Gray26 February 2020 23:16

Health officials have filed into the briefing room ahead of President Trump's expected statement on coronavirus.

Phil Thomas26 February 2020 23:35

Mr Trump begins by sending his condolences to victims and families of people affected by the mass shooting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, earlier in the day. He says five people were killed.

Phil Thomas26 February 2020 23:38

Turning to coronavirus, he says he has received a new briefing. He says some of his measures were ridiculed but "it turned out to be a very good thing".

Phil Thomas26 February 2020 23:38

The "health and safety of the American people" is his priority. "We're ready to adapt and do whatever we have to as the disease spreads."

Phil Thomas26 February 2020 23:39

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