Republican congressman Tom Reed apologises for harassment and says he won’t challenge Cuomo for NY governor
“I was wrong, I am sorry, and I take full responsibility,” Representative Tom Reed says

Representative Tom Reed, the Republican congressman accused of sexually harassing a young lobbyist in 2017, apologised on Sunday and said he would not seek reelection.
“Simply put, my behaviour caused her pain, showed her disrespect and was unprofessional. I was wrong, I am sorry, and I take full responsibility,” Mr Reed said in a statement.
The apology came just two days after The Washington Post published a story in which Nicolette Davis, who four years ago was a 25-year-old lobbyist for Aflac, alleged that Mr Reed inappropriately rubbed her back, touched her thigh, and unhooked her bra strap at a 2017 networking event in Minneapolis.
“A drunk congressman is rubbing my back,” she texted a friend at the time. “HELP HELP.”
Ms Davis eventually got someone at the event, which was held at a pub, to pull the New York congressman away from her and out of the restaurant.
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When the Post story broke, Mr Reed only commented, “This account of my actions is not accurate.”
On Sunday, he was more contrite.
“Even though I am only hearing of this matter as stated by Ms Davis in the article now, I hear her voice and will not dismiss her,” Mr Reed said in his statement. “In reflection, my personal depiction of this event is irrelevant.”
He went on to explain that at the time of the incident, he was grappling with alcoholism.
“This occurred at a time in my life in which I was struggling,” the congressman said. “Upon entering treatment in 2017, I recognised that I am powerless over alcohol. I am now approaching four years of that personal lifelong journey of recovery.”
Until thePost story broke, Mr Reed had been seen as a potential challenger to Governor Andrew Cuomo, who is mired in his own sexual misconduct scandal after several women accused him of harassing them. Mr Reed had said Mr Cuomo should be impeached, and was considering running against him in 2022.
On Sunday, that possibility appeared to come to an end. Mr Reed said he would not run for governor or even for reelection as a US representative, instead focusing on his recovery from addiction.
“With the support of my wife, kids and loved ones, professional help, and trust in a higher power, I continue that journey day-by-day,” he said. “This is in no way an excuse for anything I’ve done. Consistent with my recovery, I publicly take ownership of my past actions, offer this amends and humbly apologise again to Ms. Davis, my wife and kids, loved ones, and to all of you.”
Ms Davis, now a second lieutenant in the US Army, told the Post she accepted the apology.
“I am grateful for Congressman Reed’s reflection on his actions,” she said. “I accept his apology. I hope that his words and actions will be an example for others who face similar allegations.”
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