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Roger Stone in court: Trump associate pleads not guilty before judge in Mueller investigation hearing

Trump’s longtime confidant insists he will not testify against the president

Clark Mindock
New York
Tuesday 29 January 2019 17:39 GMT
Roger Stone arrives at court to face a Tuesday morning arraignment

Donald Trump's former campaign adviser Roger Stone has appeared before a federal judge in Washington on charges that he lied to Congress and engaged in witness tampering.

A self-described dirty trickster, Mr Stone is the sixth Trump aide charged in Robert Mueller’s investigation.

He pleaded not guilty to the charges before leaving the Washington courthouse and jumping into a black SUV that drove him away.

Before and during the hearing, a crowd of supporters and critics surrounded te courthouse steps and doors.

Some in attendance included the far-right group the Proud Boys, who have supported Mr Stone and the president amid controversy in recent years.

Mr Stone was arrested by federal agents in his Florida home on Friday, and later in the day held a defiant press conference in which he promised to fight the charges against him.

During that press conference, Mr Stone vowed that he would never be compelled to lie about his interractions with Mr Trump.

Mr Stone is a longtime adviser and confidant of Mr Trumps, and is known for having made contact with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange during the 2016 campaign. WikiLeaks was involved in the release of stolen emails from the campaign of HIllary Clinton.

Mr Stone will return to court on Friday.

Read along below for our updates on Mr Stone's day in court

Additional reporting by agencies


Mr Stone was arrested early in the morning on Friday by armed federal officials.

He has since then criticised that effort, noting that he would have voluntarily turned himself in if his lawyers had been contacted.

Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:00

Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:03

Mr Stone has pleaded not guilty to the charges he faces.

Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:07
Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:15

We are now awaiting Mr Stone's departure from the courthouse.

Some microphones are set up. We will see if he stops by for a statement (given his embrace of the spotlight, it's highly likely).

Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:20

Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:27

Before leaving court, Mr Stone agreed to return on 1 February for a follow up appearance.

"Yes, your honor," Mr Stone said when he agreed to the Friday afternoon appearance.

Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:30

In attendance, according to several reporters, are members of the Proud Boys, who have engaged in some shouting and bickering outside the courtroom.

Video from outside the courthouse shows something of a circus with reporters, protesters, and some silly signs.

Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:33

Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:45

Clark Mindock29 January 2019 16:45

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