Photo shows Pence in secure Capitol location watching Trump’s Jan 6 video praising rioters

Pence refused to get into Secret Service limousine as he worried they would remove him from premises against his wishes

Gustaf Kilander
Washington, DC
,John Bowden
Thursday 16 June 2022 22:27 BST
Related video: Jan 6 mob chant ‘Pence has betrayed the United States’ in shocking footage

A photo released from the National Archives to the House January 6 committee shows then-Vice President Mike Pence in a secure Capitol Hill location watching a video of then-President Donald Trump praising the rioters on the day of the Capitol attack.

The image shows Mr Pence in the basement of the Capitol after he refused to get into a Secret Service limousine as he worried that they would remove him from the premises against his wishes.

In the photo, Mr Pence is speaking on the phone as he uses another phone to watch the video Mr Trump tweeted out that day heralding the rioters who attacked the Capitol complex.

John McCormack of National Review noted that the woman in the photo alongside Mr Pence is his daughter Charlotte.

One of the most stunning moments of Thursday’s hearing came as members presented a 3D model of areas of the Senate basement where Mike Pence was evacuated to after leaving the Senate floor with Secret Service.

A photo shows Mike Pence in a secure Capitol Hill location watching Donald Trump’s video praising rioters on January 6 2021
A photo shows Mike Pence in a secure Capitol Hill location watching Donald Trump’s video praising rioters on January 6 2021 (National Archives)
An image of former Vice President Mike Pence on the night of January 6, 2021 is displayed during the third hearing of the US House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack
An image of former Vice President Mike Pence on the night of January 6, 2021 is displayed during the third hearing of the US House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
An image on a screen shows former US Vice President Mike Pence looking at his phone as he shelters in a secure underground location after being evacuated from the Senate chamber on January 6, 2021
An image on a screen shows former US Vice President Mike Pence looking at his phone as he shelters in a secure underground location after being evacuated from the Senate chamber on January 6, 2021 (AFP via Getty Images)

According to security footage of the day, rioters came dangerously close to the vice president while members of the crowd inside and outside of the Capitol chanted, “hang Mike Pence”.

And according to committee member Pete Aguilar, a confidential witness has testified to the FBI that members of the Proud Boys, who were present in the riot, “would have killed Mike Pence if given the chance”.

“Make no mistake about the fact that the Vice President’s life was in danger,” said the congressman.

“Approximately 40 feet,” he continued. “That’s all there was between the vice president and the mob.”

The extent to which Mike Pence was personally in danger during the riot has never been known before now. It was publicly reported as it happened that Mr Pence was removed from the Senate chamber as rioters breached the building, but his whereabouts up until now were unknown.

The vice president found himself a target of the attackers’ ire after it became clear that he would not interfere to overturn the election result and attempt to give Mr Trump a second term, in spite of what Mr Trump had promised the legions of his supporters who descended upon the Capitol that day. Mr Pence’s role overseeing the count of the Electoral College’s votes made convincing him to interfere in the process a prime goal of Trump’s lawyers like John Eastman and Rudy Giuliani.

But Mr Pence repeatedly refused to do so and found himself the target of violent threats alongside Democrats including Nancy Pelosi during the riot.

Thursday’s hearing largely centred on the effort to convince Mr Pence to interfere in the election, despite testimony from members of Mr Trump and Pence’s legal teams indicating that many of those engaged in the effort knew it had no legal standing.

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