Old Donald Trump tweet haunts candidate following Iowa caucus loss
'No one remembers who came in second'

After months of bold statements about being the Republican frontrunner for the most powerful job in the world, Donald Trump has been beaten into second place in the Iowa caucus.
Mr Trump lost the caucus by four per cent to Texas senator, Ted Cruz, who claimed 28 per cent of the vote.
And now 'The Donald' is being mocked online for a 2013 tweet:
People have taken pleasure in mocking the controversial businessman who, according to the latest polls on the Republican race, is still 23 per cent ahead of nearest rival Ted Cruz.
Mr Trump's supporters have been quick to remind his detractors that many people have won their party's nomination and even the Presidency despite losing the Iowa caucus.
This list of past Iowa runners-up include former Presidents Bill Clinton, George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan.
The man Donald Trump was quoting was professinal golfing pioneer Walter Hagen who won 11 major tournaments in the early 20th Century.
To see more coverage, visit our Iowa caucus page.
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