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Biden buys ‘Keep America Great’ domain name and dedicates it to criticising Trump

President’s campaign spokesperson Hogan Gidley says Democratic candidate ‘can’t ever buy a way out of his 47 years’ worth of failure in elected office’

James Crump
Friday 28 August 2020 16:00 BST
Hillary Clinton tells Joe Biden not to concede election under any circumstances
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The Biden campaign has acquired the web domain and has dedicated the site to criticising president Donald Trump‘s policies and handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

When Mr Trump launched his reelection campaign for the 2020 presidential election last year, he revealed “Keep America Great” as its official slogan, following on from his 2016 phrase, “Make America Great Again.”

At the launch of his new campaign, the president asked: “How do you give up the greatest theme of all time with a new theme?” and added that if he loses in November’s election after changing the slogan: “People are going to say what a mistake that was. But we’re not going to lose, so it’s not going to matter.”

However, the Biden campaign recently learnt that despite the announcement of the slogan last year, the domain name was still available, so bought it before the Trump campaign realised, according to Politico.

The new website, set up by the campaign for the Democratic presidential nominee, is now dedicated to criticising Mr Trump’s policies and his handling of the pandemic.

On the homepage of the website, it reads: “Promises Made, Promises Broken. Trump isn’t looking for a second term – he’s looking for a do-over.”

The site then lists alleged “promises broken” by Mr Trump, on topics such as Covid-19, healthcare, immigration and education, and compares what he promised with what he has delivered as US president.

The Washington Post reported in July that after the US had recorded the most coronavirus cases and deaths of any country in the world, the president started to use “Keep America Great” less often in speeches and at campaign events.

They reported that he started to revive his 2016 slogan “Make America Great Again,” while using new phrases, such as “Transition to Greatness” and “The Best Is Yet to Come”.

However, despite a change in communication, it is still possible to buy merchandise on the Trump campaign website that includes the phrase, “Keep America Great,” such as hats, which are being sold for $25 (£18.82) each.

In a statement about the domain name purchase to Politico, Trump campaign spokesman Hogan Gidley said: “You can buy all the domain names you want, but Joe Biden can’t ever buy a way out of his 47 years’ worth of failure in elected office.”

The buy is similar to a move made by the Trump campaign last year, as it bought the site domain,, when Mr Biden launched his Latino outreach programme, named: “Todos Con Biden.”

When the purchase was made public, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign told ABC that the move was “childish”.

The spokesperson said: “It is no surprise that Trump’s campaign would resort to childish antics like this to take attention аwаy from this President’s appalling record of separating families аnd using immigrants аs scapegoats, fomenting hatred аnd white supremacy, аnd trying to take аwаy health care from millions of Americans who need it.”

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