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Jim Jordan blames earpiece for stumbling over words in Fox interview: ‘I drew a blank’

Ohio representative claimed an echo in his earpiece was to blame for his nonsenical sentence

Ariana Baio
Thursday 13 July 2023 17:33 BST
Jim Jordan blames earpiece for technical difficulties during Fox News interview

Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) stumbled over his words during a rant on Fox News’ show Hannity on Wednesday evening creating a discombobulated sentence.

Mr Jordan began by commenting on Christopher Wray, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, testifying to the House Judiciary Committee.

The Ohio Republican told host Sean Hannity and fellow guest rep Matt Gaetz (R-FL): “A federal judge disagreed with what Christopher Wray testified to today and he did that decision on July 4th just eight days ago for goodness sake, that’s exactly what happened with the–”

But then Mr Jordan paused in the middle of his sentence and began spouting an incomprehensible statement: “The decision the – when it came to the, the decision with Mr–”

The Ohio rep interrupted his string of thoughts to apologise to Mr Hannity, claiming he “drew a blank” and blamed feedback from his earpiece for causing the misspoken words.

“I’ve got a huge echo in my ear and I can’t even hear,” Mr Jordan said.

After another brief pause, Mr Jordan seemed to collect his thoughts and continue his sentence coherently, in part thanks to Hannity’s encouragement.

Later on in Hannity’s programme, the Fox News host mocked President Joe Biden’s speech and movements at the Nato summit, calling him “embarrassing.”

In the same segment, guest Kristi Noem – Republican governor of South Dakota – claimed Mr Biden “can barely get through a sentence”.

Fox News also targeted Vice President Kamala Harris’ simplified explanation of artificial intelligence on Fox & Friends on Thursday claiming she has “the intellect of a three-year-old.”

Guests and hosts of Fox News have often used the President’s and Vice President’s verbal mistakes to attack their intelligence.

On Twitter, journalist Aaron Rupar called out the hypocrisy of allowing Mr Jordan to misspeak while attacking Democrats.

“If Joe Biden did this during a live interview Fox would spent nights yelling about how he’s in cognitive decline,” Mr Rupar wrote.

Mr Jordan’s word salad comes just hours after he grilled Mr Wray during a hearing on Wednesday regarding several investigations opened by the House Judiciary Committee – which  Mr Jordan heads.

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