Hillary Clinton 'collapse': Democratic candidate feeling 'much better' after becoming unwell at 9/11 event
The Democratic candidate had been taking part in a service to mark the 15th anniversary of the attacks
Hillary Clinton appeared in public about two hours after appearing to stumble at a 9/11 memorial event, saying that she felt “much better’ but failing to provide further details as to what had happened to her.
The campaign of Ms Clinton, 68, said she had felt "overheated" after attending Sunday’s event at Ground Zero in New York. She decided to go to her daughter’s apartment in the nearby Flatiron neighborhood of the city.
Her spokesman, Nick Merrill, said that she left the memeorial to mark the 15th anniversary of the attacks on New York and Washington, where she had gone to pay her respect to some of the families who lost loved ones.

“During the ceremony, she felt overheated so departed to go to her daughter's apartment, and is feeling much better,” Mr Merrill said in a statement.
Shortly before noon, Ms Clinton was seen leaving the flat and waving to the crowd.
She briefly posed for a photograph with a young girl. To a shouted question from a reporter as to whether she felt better, she said: “Yes, thank you.”
“I’m feeling great,” Ms Clinton said. “It’s a beautiful day in New York.”
Her campaign said she was heading to her home to Chappaqua, in upstate New York.
The news was first reported by Fox News, one of the outlets that has been a platform for claims by 70-year-old Donald Trump that Ms Clinton has been hiding a medical condition from the public. One anchor, Sean Hannity, has interviewed various doctors, none neurologists, who have suggested Ms Clinton could be suffering from any of number of issues.
Ms Clinton has insisted she is in fine health and ready to assume duties in the White House. Her campaign has played down health scares, including an incident in December 2012 when she suffered a concussion and shortly afterward developed a blood clot.
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